Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Living with sociopath is like visiting a haunted house.  You never know what is around the next corner. Everything is calm and quiet for a second and then boom. The crazy person comes home and turns your world upside down. 

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor and was scheduled to have a full hysterectomy. One day prior to surgery the kids were watching TV and I was in the kitchen making dinner. My Ex came home and out of the blue announced the following.

Ex: Hey Kids, Did you know your mother is an heroin addict.

Me: Why would you say such a thing, I have never and would never do anything like that.

Ex: BS you did it when you gave birth to your daughter.

Me: I did not, why are you saying these things?

Ex: Yes you did, you were on that morphine pump for days and morphine is heroin.  You are just having surgery now so you can ride the white horse.

Ex: Kids, your mother is a heroin addict and she is going to the hospital to ride the white horse.

At this point, I knew defending myself further would just cause the situation to escalate.  So I did what any mother accused of such a horrible act.  I refused morphine after my surgery.  The doctor's told me it was not a good idea and other pain medicine could have adverse reactions.  I still declined the morphine and the the pain killers prescribed after surgery caused violent bouts of vomiting and extreme itching.  The vomiting was very painful after major abdominal surgery but, I could honestly say I did not do heroin and my kids would know their mother was not a heroin addict.

I was watching a movie last night with my kids that reminded me of this.  In the movie a mom was rushed into emergency surgery just as I was when my daughter was born.  The anesthesia was administered through my epidural and it caused a nerve to pinch in my leg.  After surgery I remained in the hospital for 4 days.

The memories of that time with him and the hateful things he did brought tears to my eyes.  Today it reminds me of his sickness and how grateful I am to be free. His outlandish lies he would tell my children to hurt me were just another thing he did to control me.  They were used to under mind my children's belief in me, cause me pain and suffering.  THESE ARE NOT ACTIONS OF A LOVING FATHER AND HUSBAND. THEY ARE ABUSE!

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